Feedback from my autism awareness workshop for the Wirrall APDI Driving Instructors, 6th June 2019
100% of participants rated the training excellent
100% of participants would recommend the training
When asked what participants took away from the training: "Effects of noise, how I can help make learning easier." "Big eye opener, massive insight." "Trying to see through their eyes." "Distractions that the pupil has to overcome to the learning process." "How an autistic person struggles focusing on one thing with everything else that's going on." "More understanding and patience." "Understanding people with autism - what they must feel and how their world is." When asked what participants liked most about the training/the trainer? "The teaching style was very good and explained well." "Very good, good pace, good humour, relaxed and an interactive workshop." "Good balance of input, practical and reflective." "Very open approach of Lisa to share her experience and way we can support." "Lisa's friendly approach, relaxed style and impressive knowledge of her subject." "Lisa's empathetic, relaxed and involving the audience participation." "It was extremely well delivered."
Feedback from my autism awareness workshop for the Year Two trainees on the Person-Centred Counselling BSc Honours Degree at Cheshire College South and West, 12th February, 2019
100% of participants rated the training very good to excellent
100% of participants would recommend the training
When asked what participants took away from the training: "The fact that I can now explore into the world of an autistic person - the social anxiety, the enhanced noise and feelings." "Now I understand a lot more about sensory issues." "I think all counsellor trainees should understand and appreciate the differences between NT and ND people." "A good understanding of autism and how counselling needs to be adaptive in order to support client's with autism." "This training is very much needed." "Every person with autism will view the world differently and as counsellors we need to meet them on their level." "All the things about noise, smell, eye contact and how anxious the client might be feeling."
When asked what participants liked most about the training/the trainer? "Very good indeed. Deep and meaningful thoughtful knowledge of her subject." "How it was explained in a way that was easily understood. Very relaxed and professional." "The facilitator was extremely approachable and open." "Excellent, knowledgable, friendly, approachable." "Very relaxed, very informative, a good mix of use of slides and own experience." "Excellent - very well researched and personal element combined to deliver an excellent session."